”AROUND ROME” (6-13 July 2024)
Sabato 6 luglio 2024 takes it via the new great promise promotion of Arte Borgo Gallery with the title “Around Rome”.
The exhibition is structured across five prestigious Roman locations :
is animated by the desire to contribute to the cultural life of the city.
The project, from an idea by Anna Isopo, intends to deepen the
perception of contemporary art, expanding the dialogue between
colours, materials and shapes that find a relationship with history,
the user and the territory.
A profound story in a historical cultural scenario among the
grandeur of the beauties of Rome. In fact, the “Around Rome”
exhibition aims to be a driving force in addressing themes and
questions, allowing artists to convey their messages and at the same
time show their works to an international audience of enthusiasts
and professionals in some of the most important exhibition venues in
the Eternal City, which become protagonists of an ideal union
between the historicity of the places and the contemporaneity of the
The official presentation of the exhibition will take place, exclusively by invitation, at RIPA GRANDE – Lungotevere Ripa, 3 on 5 July 2024 at 5pm.
The presentation will be animated by a performance by Greta Arditi, a dancer trained at the Rome Opera Theater and the National Dance Academy.
The Around Rome exhibition received the patronage of the Lazio Region and the Department of Culture.
”AROUND ROME” (6-13 luglio 2024)
Sabato 6 luglio 2024 prende il via la nuova grande esposizione promossa da Arte Borgo Gallery dal titolo “Around Rome”.
La mostra è strutturata su cinque prestigiose sedi romane :
ed è animata dalla volontà di contribuire allo sviluppo culturale della città.
Il progetto, da un’idea di Anna Isopo, intende approfondire la percezione dell’arte contemporanea, ampliando il dialogo tra colori, materiali e forme che trovano una relazione con la storia, il fruitore e il territorio.
Un racconto profondo in uno scenario storico culturale tra la grandiosità delle bellezze di Roma. L’esposizione “Around Rome” vuole infatti essere un momento propulsore nell’affrontare tematiche e interrogativi, consentendo agli artisti di veicolare i propri messaggi e al contempo mostrare le loro opere ad un pubblico internazionale di appassionati e addetti ai lavori in alcune fra le più rilevanti sedi espositive della Città Eterna, le quali diventano protagoniste di un connubio ideale tra storicità dei luoghi e la contemporaneità delle opere.
La presentazione ufficiale della rassegna espositiva si svolgerà, esclusivamente su invito, presso RIPA GRANDE – Lungotevere Ripa, 3 il giorno 5 luglio 2024 alle ore 17:00.
La presentazione sarà animata da una performance a cura di Greta Arditi, danzatrice formata presso il Teatro dell’Opera di Roma e Accademia Nazionale di Danza.
L’esposizione Around Rome ha ricevuto il Patrocinio dalla Regione Lazio e dall’Assessorato alla Cultura.
PROSPETTIVA… FUTURO (april-may 2024)
Curated by Anna Isopo
On Saturday the 27th of April 2024 at 5pm at the Hub/Art gallery in Barcelona the new collective exhibition curated by Anna Isopo titled “Prospettiva…FUTURO” will be inaugurated.
Located in the Poblenou district, defined as the new district of art and creativity, the Hub/Art gallery in Barcelona will be the backdrop to the works of twenty-four contemporary artists specially selected for the event, who will give life to a kaleidoscopic exhibition of different interpretations.
An individual, free path, which intends to highlight the aspects of the current artistic panorama by projecting the creative flair of the individual interpreter into a new frontier of art. “Prospettiva…FUTURO” is a confluence of techniques and styles that lead to testing perceptions and new perspectives of contemporary art.
PROSPETTIVA… FUTURO (avril-mai 2024)
Présentée par Anna Isopo
Le samedi 27 avril 2024 à 17h à la galerie Hub/Art de Barcelone, la nouvelle exposition collective organisée par Anna Isopo intitulée "Prospettiva... FUTURO" sera inaugurée.
Située dans le quartier de Poblenou, défini comme le nouveau quartier de l’art et de la créativité, la Hub/galerie d’art de Barcelone sera la toile de fond des œuvres de vingt-quatre artistes contemporains spécialement sélectionnés pour l’événement, qui donneront vie à une exposition kaléidoscopique de différentes interprétations.
Un parcours individuel et libre, qui vise à mettre en valeur les aspects du panorama artistique actuel en projetant le flair créatif de l’interprète individuel dans une nouvelle frontière de l’art. "Prospettiva... FUTURO » est une confluence de techniques et de styles qui permettent de tester les perceptions et les nouvelles perspectives de l’art contemporain.
Magazine MA MAISON - Janvier/Février 2024
31 Artistes Toulousains - Oeuvres sélectionnées
Salon International d'Art Contemporain ART3F
MA MAISON Magazine - January/February 2024
31 Toulouse Artists - Selected Artworks
International Contemporary Art Exhibition ART3F
Mostra personale di Conie
a cura di Anna Isopo
presentazione a cura della storica dell’arte Martina Scavone
10 – 23 novembre 2023
Venerdì 10 novembre alle ore 18:00, presso Arte Borgo Gallery sarà inaugurata la mostra personale di Conie dal titolo “Journey to the Land of Emotions”.
Dopo aver partecipato a diverse rassegne internazionali in Italia e a Roma, Conie torna nella Capitale con una personale in cui espone una serie di nuove opere appositamente realizzate. Autodidatta, vive e lavora a Tolosa. Sin da bambina, prova l’impulso irrefrenabile di esprimersi attraverso il colore, la forma e la materia. Oggi la sua arte si esprime principalmente attraverso composizioni astratte.
Predilige i grandi formati e i suoi dipinti sono un tuffo nel segreto delle sue emozioni. Ciascuno di essi rappresenta infatti una storia, è il cliché di un sentimento colto all'improvviso di fronte ai ricordi, al tempo passato, al presente, con la preoccupazione costante di lasciare libero lo spettatore dalla sua interpretazione. Il suo stile raffinato è fatto di tocchi materici che conferiscono un rilievo di rotondità associato ad armonie di forme e colori.
Dal testo critico della Storica e critica d’arte Martina Scavone : “Di fatto, la pittura per Conie è un “viaggio nelle emozioni”, ed ogni opera rappresenta un biglietto di sola andata verso una terra inesplorata, intima, presentata talvolta sotto forma di esplosioni cromatiche, altre nella guisa di sfere emozionali plasmate da un vissuto che l’artista immortala con assoluta spettacolarizzazione dei colori e grande maestria nella resa della componente luminosa”.
Novembre 2023 - ROMA
Personal art exhibition by Conie
Curated by Anna Isopo
Presentation by the art historian Martina Scavone
10 - 23 November 2023
Friday 10 November at 6:00 pm, the Arte Borgo Gallery inaugurates the new solo exhibition by Conie entitled “Journey to the Land of Emotions”.
After having participated in various international exhibitions in Italy and Rome, Conie returns to the Capital with a series of specially created works. Self-taught, she lives and works in Toulouse. As a child, she felt this irresistible impulse to express herself very early on through color, shape and matter. Today, she expresses her artistic vision mainly through abstract works on canvas.
She prefers large format works and her acrylic paintings are a dive into the secret of her emotions. Each of them is a story, the cliché of a feeling, suddenly caught in front of memories, past time and present, with the constant concern of leaving the viewer free from interpretation. Her refined and rounded style is made of material touches that give her paintings a clear relief of roundness associated with harmonies of shapes and colors.
From the critical text by the art historian and critic Martina Scavone : “As a matter of fact, painting for Conie is a "journey into emotions", and each work represents a one-way ticket to an unexplored, intimate land, sometimes presented in the form of chromatic explosions, others in the guise of emotional spheres shaped by an experience that the artist immortalizes with absolute spectacularization of the colors and great mastery in the rendering of the light component”.
November 2023 - ROMA
"Conie est une artiste raffinée mais en même temps extrêmement
audacieuse dans les combinaisons et le choix de couleurs
majoritairement vives, qu'elle applique sur la toile avec une
grande virtuosité technique. Son effet « nuancé », caractéristique
de son style, est exécuté avec une telle maîtrise que l'acrylique
prend souvent l'aspect d'une poudre plutôt que d'un pigment
Grâce à un geste irrépressible, dans les compositions abstraites
créées par Conie, il est possible de tracer une grande puissance
et profondeur, tandis que les titres que l'artiste elle-même donne
aux œuvres permettent à l'utilisateur de mieux comprendre quelle
était la source d'inspiration à l'origine de l'acte créatif
et être ainsi transporté dans la parabole artistique de la peintre.
Chaque tableau naît d'une histoire de vie personnelle ou d'un état
émotionnel transfiguré en une matérialité et une concentration
chromatique capables de rendre chaque œuvre légère, éthérée,
appartenant presque à une autre galaxie. En observant un tableau
de Conie, il est extrêmement facile de se perdre,
métaphoriquement de se soulever du sol et de se laisser
envelopper par une sensation de légèreté douce et enivrante."
Martina SCAVONE - Historienne de l'Art
Mars 2023 - Venise Palazzio Revedin
"Conie is a refined but at the same time extremely bold artist in
the combinations and choice of mostly bright colors, which she
applies on the canvas with great technical virtuosity.
Her "nuanced" effect, characteristic of her style, is executed
with such mastery that the acrylic often takes on the appearance
of powder rather than liquid pigment.
Thanks to an irrepressible gesture, in the abstract compositions
created by Conie it is possible to trace great power and depth,
while the titles that the artist herself gives to the works
allow the user to better understand what was the source of
inspiration at the origin of the creative act and thus be
transported into the artistic parable of the French painter.
Each painting originates from a personal life story or from an
emotional state transfigured into a materiality and chromatic
concentration which is capable of making each work light,
ethereal, almost belonging to another galaxy. While observing
a painting by Conie it is extremely easy to get lost, metaphorically
lift off the ground and let yourself be en- veloped by a sense of
sweet and inebriating levity."
Martina SCAVONE - Art historian
March 2023 - Venezia Palazzio Revedin